A Call for Revival

Without virtue, our people cannot be free. That truth was echoed by many of our founders. They understood that the essential ingredients for protecting and defending Liberty were virtue and knowledge. When lawlessness and depravity rule the day, our society devolves into a state far from the vision of our founding. Our first president was clear in his farewell address, that religion and morality were indispensable supports for political prosperity.

We seem to have forgotten this truth. Our nation has repeatedly been reminded how we are rotting from within because virtue is no longer in vogue. From the top down, there is evidence of it. The recent assassination attempt on our former president is just another manifestation of how deep the rot is. How many wake up calls do we need America?

Our government, along with a complicit media, has betrayed our trust. The constant corruption by those of whom we have delegated authority to govern, and by those who are supposed to be holding them accountable, has led us towards a society where freedom is at risk. Our watchdogs have become lap dogs, and, besides debasing our medium of exchange, government has destroyed the greatest currency of all……trust.

George Washington was spot on. Our founders had it right. Knowledge, virtue, religion and morality are necessary. The answer lies within our churches and our schools, within our families and our friends. We need more servant leaders to speak out and boldly profess these truths. This is a call to our religious leaders to pick up the sword, that sword in Ephesians 6:17, and unashamedly proclaim a new dawn. Gather in the public square, at every city hall across our land and demand a government beholden to those principles, those God principles that made America a beacon of hope for all humanity. Pray for all to repent and turn from the evil they have embraced. Point to the saying “In God We Trust”! Until we turn to God and become a virtuous people will He then hear from heaven and heal us.

American, are you being virtuous? Parents, are you being virtuous? Are your kids being virtuous? Are you being an example to your family and friends? Church leaders, are you being virtuous? You don’t have to be perfect or holier than thou, but you can be a shining light to others to strive for virtue. God is waiting for us; our Liberty depends on it.

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