Parents and Teachers Freedom in Education Empowerment Act

A Blueprint for Freedom in Education

Parents want better K-12 public education for their children. A decline in student achievement in reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history is well documented. Objectionable material is being injected into our public school system. For the well-being of our children and society, an option is needed for a better system.

We believe our legislators can work together to create a law that will accomplish this dream. Our current governor and his administration are dedicated to creating a freedom blueprint that will elevate our education system and give students a better future.

An option such as this would be a model for the entire country to behold and would benefit our posterity.

Here are some key points to consider for such an option:

All K-12 education funding in Florida shall follow the student. The per student amount shall be proportional to state funding per student to that which is spent by the local public school district including but not limited to construction funding, employee benefit insurance and retirement funding. 

Education funding shall be payable to private, charter or home schools regardless of accreditation status or whether they use state approved learning materials. Educators or parents that accept this funding shall be required to certify student attendance is equal to attendance at public schools.

5-year phase in. For the first 5 years following implementation of this law, students will be eligible to opt out of public schools based on a lottery system (on a per family basis) that will be phased in involving 20% of students per year. After the initial 5-year period, all students will have the right to have education funding to follow them to the school of their choice. Families shall decide where some or all their children attend.

Public school teachers can continue their insurance and retirement benefits. Any educators of public schools who are subsequently employed by a school receiving this funding shall have the option of continuing their retirement and insurance benefits.

Schools can receive funding with no legally mandated curriculum. 

Concerned parents and teachers are dedicated to making this dream of placing K-12 education into their hands a reality by providing a better option.

We are asking for legislation that will accomplish this goal. However, we are willing and prepared for a citizens’ petition initiative for a ballot vote to amend our state constitution.

We will propose an amendment to the Florida Constitution that will:

  • Secure the right of every parent to choose any school within the state for their child’s education and use state tax education money to do so.
  • Give public school educators the option to teach at any school accepting state education funds and keep existing insurance and retirement benefits.
  • Make it law that no mandates can be placed on schools accepting education dollars from this option.
  • Promote a competitive environment that will make schools better.

The ballot summary will read as follows:

“This act secures the right of parents to choose the school for their child to attend while giving parents the option to direct state tax education funds to that school. It gives teachers the freedom to teach with the portability of their retirement and insurance benefits. This act forbids mandated curriculum and gives all K-12 schools in the state the option to participate.”

If you would like to meet with us concerning this proposal, please contact me.

Ray Sanchez


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